- 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W, Montréal, Quebec H3G 1M8
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- Awards: #11 Most Popular in the Montréal Region for 2023
Maths Tutors - the Montréal Region
Best match results for maths tutors in the Montréal Region + 5km.
Tutoring 1-1 Weekly follow up Group Study Sessions Open Quests Sessions Mock-up Exams (Cram courses) Midterm Crash Courses Final Crash Courses *I hold Masters in Teaching Mathematics, Concordia University 2008 (Specialized in Technology Integration into math classes). *I hold B.A in Math from AUB (American University of Beirut). *I hold Teaching Diploma from AUB. *I used to be a TA at Concordia University *I used to be a marker *I used to be a member of Math Help Center Read more
ABC Abacus (Active Brain Center) has shown great success in the Greater Toronto Area, and it is one of the reasons why we have brought it into Quebec. Just within the first few months of commencing, we have seen a surge in the level of interest. Our enrollments have gone up, and we can definitely see bright future for Montreal. Active Brain Center is not only shaping the kids of our own community but those of others as well and thus, creating young masterminds. Our goal is to provide a friendly,... Read more
Background *I hold Masters in Teaching Mathematics, Concordia University 2008 (Specialized in Technology Integration into math classes). *I hold B.A in Math from AUB (American University of Beirut). *I hold Teaching Diploma from AUB. *I used to be a TA at Concordia University *I used to be a marker *I used to be a member of Math Help Center Read more
Tutoraction offers a tutoring service for all school levels in several subjects (French, English, mathematics, science, others.). Our tutors come to your home for homework help, preparation for exams, etc. Available in Montreal, Laval and South Shore. Call us or email us for more info. Read more
Tutorat scolaire pour étudiants du primaire, secondaire et CÉGEP dans l'ensemble des matières. Service à domicile ou en ligne avec des professeurs compétents et spécialisés. Cours offert sans contrat ni engagement depuis 1993 et disponible presque partout au Québec. Read more
MONTREAL / LAVAL COURS PRIVÉS: ANGLAIS LANGUE SECONDE (PRIMAIRE, SECONDAIRE, ADULTES) FACE A FACE / PAR TELEPHONE /CHEZ VOUS ***DEPLACEMENT CHEZ VOUS: Frais supplémentaire pour déplacement Voulez-vous améliorer votre anglais cet automne? Alors venez à mes leçons privées d’anglais et vous bénéficierez toujours davantage de mes cours. Mon but est de renforcer votre capacité à communiquer! Je suis diplômée de l’Université de McGill. J'ai 15 ans d'expérience en enseignement au primaire... Read more
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Tutorat Pro is the best tutoring business in Laval, QC and everywhere in Quebec. We have the best tutors in math, english and french. Try us today ! Read more